Tuesday, February 19, 2008

History in Cuba

Welcome to a changing Cuba! Today was an amazingly normal day in Havana despite its historic implications. This morning, Fidel announced in the Granma and Jovenetud Rebelde, two of the government´s newspapers in Cuba that he will not accept the position of President of Cuba or Commander in Chief in this Sunday´s election. He will retain his position as a member of Parliament and also will continue to write his reflections column in Cuban newspapers, so in those ways will keep active in politics and the revolution. In short, he will no longer be the head of state, Raul will take over that position, but he will remain an active member of the domestic politics through parliament, which in actuality may or may not be so active with his declining state of health.
I got this news at around noon and spent most of the rest of the day out on the streets of Havana, around the areas of the University (a political hub) and the Plaza of the Revolution, where the Communist Party headquarters and monuments to Che and Jose Martí are located. Unless you had read the newspaper, you probably would not have known that today was any different that yesterday or the days before that. People were working, going to school, taking the buses, just as they always do, maybe a few less people in the parks, but that´s about it. I expected both the University and the Plaza of the Revolution to be the most abuzz, since they almost always are with the political news, but they were low-key, operating status quo. I took tons of pictures, many with people reading the article, but little reaction.
In my opinion, there will be more reaction to the elections on Sunday and I think that that´s what many people are waiting for. The reason that today was chosen to announce Fidel´s resignation is unclear, but it leaves lot of speculation about what will happen this weekend, when Raul officially takes power and must choose his second in command. Many seem to feel like this has been coming for a while and that nothing drastic will change, but there will definitely be minor adjustments on their way. As for now, its business as usual until there´s further news.
On a note of optimism, at the close business today at 5, when the flags were at the Plaza of the Revolution, a rainbow appeared in the sky. Kind of crazy, yet a fitting ending to a historic day.
Didn´t get a chance to prepare a long update yet, but I´ll put one up over the weekend!

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